Software de gestão empresarial

Fale com um especialista Odoo
Fale com um especialista de forma gratuita e sem compromisso. Saiba como pode utilizar o Odoo na sua empresa.
Odoo Software - A global overview of your business in a single platform
Odoo aggregates several enterprise management tools that can be used by any type of company regardless of their sector, from startups to multinationals.
An unique proposal
All you will ever need with the feeling of a Premium account. A set of apps that work together in synergy.
Online and accessible anywhere on any device and with a modern and elegant technical design. Provides the means to automate and trace anything that a user does.
O seu negócio num único software

Gestão de produção

Recursos Humanos


Vendas e CRM


Gestão e planeamento
Do you want to meet Odoo?
Ask us for a demo adapted to the reality of your company
Get in touch with us and ask for a demonstration.
Gathering information about the company's processes and needs.
Preparation of the demo appropriated to the reality of the company.
Presentation of the demo without commitment.
What is Odoo software?
From accounting to production management, inventory, e-commerce and more, users select which apps better fit their business by integrating all areas of management into a centralized platform, optimizing efficiency and productivity in your company.
Odoo is available in two versions: Enterprise (licensed) and Community (open source). Arxi deploys the Enterprise version to their clients, which provides them with a set of benefits and competitive advantages for company growth.

Odoo Community
No functional support
No version upgrades
No mobile app
No screen customization