Transform your distribution and logistics processes with Odoo.

Odoo -  Software for logistics and distribution management

Discover the solution that makes it possible to integrate the warehouse with all the company's departments.

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Management of several warehouses

Product tracking - internal and external

Automatic stock replenishment

Odoo - Software for logistics and distribution

Optimization of order processing

Odoo streamlines the entire order processing cycle, from order creation to delivery, reducing manual errors and increasing overall efficiency. Deliver your orders faster and improve customer satisfaction.

Optimization of stock levels

Odoo's inventory management module helps you maintain optimum stock levels by automating ordering processes. Minimize the risk of stock-outs and excess inventory.

Software for logistics and distribution

Various tools for effective warehouse management enable companies to increase their productivity:

  • Integration with barcode readers
  • Personalized alerts and warnings;
  • Scheduling tool;
  • Stock adjustment, evaluation and forecasting;

Automatic stock replenishment

Creation of automatic requests for quotation to make your supply chain even more efficient.

  • Definition of minimum and maximum stock;
  • Generate automatic work orders;
  • Generate automatic purchase orders.

A scalable solution

Odoo is highly scalable, keeping pace with the growth of your logistics and supply chain operations. Get a software that adapts to the specifics and needs of your business.

Real-time monitoring

Odoo offers real-time monitoring and tracking of all processes, giving users instant access to critical data. Make informed decisions and gain responsiveness to any problems or changes.

Complete supply chain management

Orders and purchases 

Inventory and warehouse management

Customer orders management

Planning and forecasting

Shipping and delivery management

Returns management

Odoo Modules and Integrations











Casos de sucesso Odoo

BVC Logistics

Como a BVC Logistics transformou a sua gestão de inventário

Enquanto a BVC Logistics fornece soluções que vão desde o comércio eletrónico até à expedição B2B,  o Odoo acompanha o ritmo da empresa ao manter o controlo de cada unidade com uma poderosa gestão de stocks, cumprimento de encomendas e controlo de inventário


O Odoo automatizou, por exemplo, cerca de 90% dos processos que envolviam os pedidos de cotações e que eram até então manuais. 

Ao recorrer ao seu parceiro Odoo, a Everbolt teve a oportunidade de ter contacto com um sistema de gestão integrado de forma eficiente, flexível e acessível com um suporte dedicado sempre que era necessário assistência ou formação.

Lead your company to a more profitable future and exceed your customers' expectations.